

      Alesia Yeremeyeva is a marine artist based in the United Kingdom. 

     The bold beauty of the ocean and the power of the waves rolling and crashing on the shore has fascinated her since childhood. Alesia's artistic inspiration comes from the atmospheric seascapes which she is blessed to observe every day of her life -  crashing waves, stormy skies, or blissful sunny days full of sunlight reflecting off the sea surface and refracted in crystal clear sea waves.

     Always fascinated by water in all its forms, she sees the ocean and the sea as a source of life, a primordial water where life began. She puts her daily observations and cherished memories on canvas and creates hypnotising seascapes filled with translucent breaking waves.

Through her paintings she wants to bring the viewer to the shore and evoke feelings similar to hers - joy, happiness, freedom, tranquillity. No thoughts. Only emotions. Only feelings.

     Retaining spirit of impressionism, Alesia’s works are mainly represented in marine realism style. To create her paintings she uses various range of techniques- from an old traditional multiple layer techniques such as glazing/sfumato (gained its popularity in 16th-17th century) and blending to   impressionistic impasto. 
An interview on Artfinder:
Covered by the Press:
The Holy Art Magazine, issued April 2024.
Alesia’s works found their homes and are also held in several private collections in the UK, Northern Ireland, all over Europe, across USA and Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Artizan Women’s Open – Torquay, 2024, The Artizan Gallery

In Seclusion - 2024, Meta Space Gallery

Beacon 42 – Cromford, 2023, the Old Lock Up Gallery

Art for Youth exhibition – London, 2023, Mall Galleries

The Landscapes exhibition - London, 2023, The Brick Lane Gallery

Mystery Art Postcards – fund-raising exhibition, London, 2023, Mall Galleries

The Secret Postcard Show- Cromford, 2023, The Old Lock Up Gallery

REFLECTIONS exhibition - London, 2023 (The Factory) The Holy art Gallery

POLYGON exhibition – London, 2022 (The Factory) The Holy art Gallery